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Check this out! Exploited Thread

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by Extinction, Dec 3, 2009.

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  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    where the fuck did we say that jew is a race ?

    your argument is the same bullshit we hear from far right, they excuse their anti-semitism by saying they are not racists since jews are not a race.

    oh okay, so this is the reason why you tolerate anti-semitism insults from assholes like the exploited..... i see..... what a good reason.


    Anarchism and atheism is NOT anti-semitism, seriously inform yourself, anti-sionism is NOT anti-semitism, and fighting against religion is NOT anti-semitism since we don't discriminate the jews. You are confusing everything.

    If you have really read the whole topic you would understand that wattie dedicated this song against jello biafra multiple times because he hate him, "nazi punks fuck off" is indirectly dedicated to the exploited and the exploited members have collaborated with nazis to beat them up.

    that's fucking ridiculous. exploited are not revolutionnaries, they are not anarchist and not part of the class war struggle. they make millions out of their music, they have big cars and live their life like bourgeois. the only thing they can do is keep repeating popular slogans.

    oh yeah right, it's propably anti-fascist when they keep repeating anti-semitist and racist insults, probably also anti-fascist to bash pakis and mexicans, the nazi tattoo is probably also anti-fascist... WHAT A JOKE

    hanging out with them and taking pictures at a nazi party IS supporting them, just like wattie's nazi tattoo, wattie's nazi flag, etc...

    i think you don't realize how many ambiguous/racist/hidden-nazis band claim to be against nazis but are friends with them..........

    it doesn't prove anything. talking proves nothing, ACTIONS means something.

    the RASH madrid didn't beat them for no reason

    inform yourself for fuck sakes, there are many recordings where wattie makes racist and anti-semitist remarks.
  2. Nazghoul makhno

    Nazghoul makhno Member Forum Member




    Jul 27, 2010
    yes some people wrongly think that jew is a race but something like an atheist jew would be a contradiction its like saying an atheist christian if you took a class of physical anthropology the first thing they will teach you is that there are only 5 races: Capoid race ,Caucasian race, Mongoloid race,Negroid race and Australoid race( i reject the concept of race and think all humans are one) but that is what they teach you in these classes that only those 5 races exist that the rest are mixed and biracial people. so the point is that i would never go around hating on " jew" people and that my rejection of jewishness is not a race thing but rather me rejecting religious ideals i could be the best friend of an atheist born to a jewish family with no problem and i will treat him as an equal and all, i hate no people i only hate religion, superficiality and right wing ideals
  3. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    We never said that jews are a race.
    We never said that jews are a race.
    We never said that jews are a race.
    We never said that jews are a race.
    We never said that jews are a race.
    We never said that jews are a race.
    We never said that jews are a race.
    We never said that jews are a race.

    if i repeat enough time will you unserstand ?

    Reducing the concept of racism to the 5 races is really stupid. Would you say that the americans who hate mexicans are not racist ? Would you say that Hitler wasn't a racist for persecuting the people having jewish origins/ancesters ? Would you say that the british hating the pakis are not racist ?
    Racism is far more complicated than what you pretend.

    that's not what you have said earlier.

    you said that an anarchist and an atheist MUST be anti-semitist and you said that you see no wrong in hating jews. You never talked about hating religion instead of hating believers like jewish.
  4. Nazghoul makhno

    Nazghoul makhno Member Forum Member




    Jul 27, 2010
    First of all i ask of you can you send me a link to download or hear one of those many supposed recordings where he makes racist and anti-semitist remarks???

    Second if you are so vigorously against anti-semitism (which to me is not the rejection of a race or the discrimination of a certain set of people but rather the rejection of a religion) the why the fuck do you have a picture of bakunin when he and proudhon were clearly anti-semitic ive read a lot by bakunin a he clearly isnt symphatetic to the followers of judaism. he has made way more anti-semitic remarks than wattie
    i bring you proof here that it is common knowledge among anarchists that bakunin was anti-semitic http://flag.blackened.net/forums/viewto ... 49&start=0
    and you dont have to go that far just go to fucking wikipedia it mentions some of his anti jewish remarks and cites them

    also i found and interesting joke on the anarchist forum that explains my position in what i think being a jew is
    person: Are you Jewish?
    person 2: I'm an atheist.
    person: but are you Jewish?
    person 2: I don't believe in god
    person: so, what's that got to do with being Jewish?
    person 2: .... Jew's believe in god....
    person: yea, but Judaism isn't just a religion it's also a race.
    person 2: no; Judaism is a religion often associated with a race, that being Hebrew.
    person: Oh.... are you Hebrew?
    person 2: no.
  5. Nazghoul makhno

    Nazghoul makhno Member Forum Member




    Jul 27, 2010

    nooo i never said it is ok to hate jews !!!!! i said that i am against judaism the religion!!! and that the only people who can be called jews are people who follow that religion. but i will not go around bashing them or beating them up im just saying that i hate what judaism is and that anarchist must bash judaism because its a religion that is all i said i do not promote the hate towards any group of people i only hate ideals not people

    this whole argument is a big misunderstanding if you would have taken the time to atleast understand what im trying to say instead of just going blindly out to bash me i think we can get along just fine i am trying to be diplomatic but you are being hostile
    and sorry if i am saying things wrong i will repeat myself i am not that good at english spanish is my native language and i am using translators for some words so yeah if i am wrong in something please correct me but dont be hostile towards me i am only speaking My Opinion WHICH IS OPEN TO CHANGE IF ITS WRONG! and trying to have a friendly argument
  6. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    i thought you read the whole thread ?

    evidences were given, you can find a lot of racist remarks, even on the back of a cd, and there are live recordings where he makes hateful comments, anti-semitism, homophobia, racism.... there's another thread where the links were given, just search the forum

    you are ridiculous....

    bakunin and proudhon made anti-semitist comments, but that was back 150 years ago, the historical concept was VERY DIFFERENT

    this is one of the worst amalgam i ever heard.

    Start by understanding what you post before teaching us lessons. It is saying that jews are a race : hebrew.

    Seriously dude, you are just ridiculous, stop trying to normalize anti-semitism and saying that atheism is anti-semitism.

    yes you did, dumbass

    you also said that there's nothing wrong with anti-semitism.
  7. Nazghoul makhno

    Nazghoul makhno Member Forum Member




    Jul 27, 2010
    yes i did read the threads and there is a nowhere a link to a recording of one of watties supposedly racist remarks
    and about the historical context being different that is bullshit sionism and pro-israel movements are more opresive now than they were centuries ago an example of this is the war in iraq and the big banks owned by sionists
    and about the hebrew thing nooo you are the one who did not understand it because hebrew is not a race hebrew is what nationality would be today you wouldnt say the french and the germans are a race so the same applies for hebrews but to make it more relevant to those times would you say the celts and the vikings were a race NO!!! then hebrew is not a race so you just ridiculed yourself with that one

    and i never said it was ok to hate jews please quote where i said that cause im pretty sure i did not say that i am against jew but as in religion not as in a group of people again i repeat to be jewish you must be a follower of judaism beliefs i was born in a christian home but that doesnt make me a christian so your point is???
  8. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Yes there is, the proof is that members of the forum were allowed to download the tracks and realise what has been said is true, because some member was acting like you and refused to believe that MULTIPLE persons claimed to hear this live track with hateful remarks

    israel didn't even exist back 150 years ago, dumbass.

    yes the historical concept was different, the second world war and hitler didn't happen yet, back then anti-semitism was just like bashing christians.

    what you say is bullshit, stop reading far right propaganda, the banks aren't all owned by jews, once again you quote the nazi propaganda word for word. What's next ? You are going to talk us about the ZOG (zionists organised governments ?)

    Oh ok, so being an anti-french racist or anti-german racist isn't racism just because it's a nationality not a race. THAT'S SO DUMB.

    Once again you are playing on words, even if it's not racism for you, what wattie did by being anti-mexican and anti-pakis is just AS DUMB AS RACISM, same thing for his homophobia and his anti-semitism.

    YES YOU SAID IT WAS OK TO HATE JEWS, even in your last post you keep claiming that anarchism and atheism is anti-semitism, you even say that it's ok to hate jews because Bakunin hated jews.

    Everyone with half a brain can read your posts and realize you say it's ok to hate jews.

    You are about to be banned from this forum. Just shut the fuck up, you are an anti-semitist idiot who normalize racism.
  9. Nazghoul makhno

    Nazghoul makhno Member Forum Member




    Jul 27, 2010
    anyone with half a brain can read your posts and realize you are putting words on peoples mout and that you have the wrong interpretation of things
    i still believe anti-semitism is the same thing it was for bakunin and others just like bashing christianity i reject hitler style anti-semitism and condemn it 100%

    and if sionism existed 150 years ago then pro-israel movements did exist 150 years ago i never said israel existed back then put that jewish state wanted to be created by the sionists and it would have been called israel in the future so yes there were pro-israel movements before israel existed

    you just are intolerant and you think you are always right and you try to make everyone else look like a dumbass when you are just making a ridicule of yourself man and im not saying this to bash you but just constructive criticism you should be more open minded and less hostile try to understand others point of view rather than going around bashing them based on your misunderstanding of what others are trying to say
  10. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Fuck you and your anti-semitism. This shit does not belong to this website. We are anti-fascist, here.

    No i'm not putting words into your mouth, you are saying that anti-semitism isn't wrong, and you said it multiple times.

    It's not because Bakunin used anti-semitist words that it's not wrong. We condemn all anti-semitism, even Bakunin's.
  11. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    I AM saying jews are a race. Half my family is jewish so I feel I have a right to say, feel, think that. They consider being jewish more a race then a religion (as no one in my family actually goes t synagouge or practices anything, the closets they come is busting out a menorah on chaunakah.) If Jews were simply a religion, then hitler might have felt a need to brainwash them instead of exterminate them. Yes that is hypothetical, and arguing hypotheticals is redundant.

    It doesn't matter to me what you say to try to defend yourself Nazghoul. You have offended me, and you have a lot of learning to do before I feel you should be allowed to post on this forum. I suppose u think it's ok to burn down temples and churches because, fuck religion right? You probably think it would be ok to beat up rabbis preachers, priests, etc. because fuck religion right? You claim to hate nazis but you sound pretty fascist in your ways to me. It makes me sad, especially since you are Puerti RIcan, and the puerto rican peple have been oppressed and insulted and ridiculed for along time themselves.

    grow the fuck up.

    And as far as the exploited thing goes, The fact that wattie would even pose for pictures with known nazis should piss you off and make you mad. There is no justification for it. Wattie is getting his way, creating dividng lines in the scene. He sang about his love of chaos and people like you perpetuate it.
  12. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    Their are Black Jews just as there are Caucasian, Semitic and (quite possibly) Asian Jews. The Jewish religion places emphasis on racial identity as well as racial superiority (children of god), however as the religions followers migrated around the world, they're has been a number of interbreeding with people of other cultures or if you like races. This makes the concept of "Jewish race" somewhat redundant and a misappropriated term especially if they (Jews) identify as semitic because semitic can fall into any of these cultural groups: Arabs, Hebrews and Assyrians. The Hebrews (Jews) hate the Arabs and Assyrians, in fact they(the state of Israel) claim on multiple occasions that the Palestinian government Hamas is anti-semitic even though they fall into the same racial grouping. I'm a quarter Maori (Native New Zealander) but I look like your typical Caucasian white man and I certainly don't identify as Maori culturally, I was never really exposed to it to be honest.

    Violence is always undesirable, however all forms of organised religion must be abolished and the truth about their atrocities revealed. Religious fanatics can be incredibly violent so says the annuals of history so I see no problem with hanging the pope, especially when he goes out of his way to cover up pedophilia in the church. Religion should be treated purely as a personal individual belief, not an oppressive and dictatorial institution.

    ... where does race come into it? Granted its unwarranted and bigoted but its not racism. Example: The UK and its hostility to the Irish and Polish. We can agree that both nationalities are made up predominantly of Caucasians so calling it racism is in the biological sense incorrect, but it is a form of hostility still perpetuated by nationalism, Xenophobic I guess is the more appropriate term.
  13. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    this topic is supposed to be closed, i don't understand why it's still open

    But there is a big confusion between RACISM and RACIALISM on this topic.

    Racism DOES include discrimination based on nationality, or else 95% of the racists of this planet aren't really racists. I really don't like this kind of speech, this is minimising racism, playing on words and making useless distinction. This is usually the game played by the right to avoid focusing on the real problem of discrimination, while prefering to play on words and make distinctions.
    So KAAOS-82, you would agree to say that the National Front isn't racist, that aryans supremacists aren't really racist since aryan isn't an official race part of the 5 races stated previously, and that hitler wasn't a racist ? what a joke...
  14. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    Where do you pull this from, where did I indicate that I believe in the concept of race?
  15. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    I'm critiquing the religious right, you need to make such distinctions in order to tear down the hijacked terminology used by religion.
  16. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    You can argue all you want about Jews not being a race, but if you were to say that to a jewish person, especially a holocaust survivor, they will disagree with you vehemently. Again, I believe the idea of Hitler killing off jews was that HE believed they were a race.
  17. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    That' s because he believe race existed. I believe it doesn't.

    I don't doubt that because the Jewish faith dictates they are a race, science proves otherwise.
  18. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Stop dodging, you just pretended that racism is only applicable when discriminations are based on races, and you just pretended that discriminating others based on nationalities isn't racism

    Who cares if jews are a race or not ? this is a smoke screen debate, it doesn't change anything that they are been discriminated on same basis than racism. This is exactly the game the right is playing to debate about the existence of a race or not instead of debating about how wrong racism is. I refuse to be part of this game, i'll let you play it alone KAAOS-82, but i hope you understand you are acting exactly like the right and the anti-semitists.
  19. KAAOS-82

    KAAOS-82 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jul 13, 2010
    Xenophobia and Racism are similar but not the same, I'm against both.
    Again, how? Scientists have proven that Race doesn't exist. Therefore their should be no reason to pussyfoot around critisising the state of Israel for fear of being labeled anti-semitic as they are essentially killing off their own "race" (Palestine)
  20. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
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