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CGT and their betrayal of Anarcho-Syndicalism

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by punkmar77, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States

    In Spanish then English....

    From SOV CNT-AIT Chiclana:

    CGT para "Dummies"

    Para Dummies es una serie de libros o textos de aprendizaje que tienen como objetivo presentar guías sencillas para lectores nuevos en diversos temas. A pesar del título, se advierte que los libros no son literalmente para "tontos", sino para inexpertos o principiantes en una materia. Normalmente tienen un cubierta amarilla y negra con una caricatura de cabeza triangular conocida como "Señor Dummy", y un logotipo informal con apariencia de estar escrito a mano por un niño. La prosa es simple y directa; algunos iconos sobresalientes, como un pedazo de cuerda atada a un dedo índice, son colocados en los márgenes para indicar fragmentos particularmente importantes, de manera que es fácil encontrar, incluso en la página, una cita que se esté buscando. Así hecha la aclaración, os preguntamos: ¿ Queréis otra ? ¡¡ Pues vamos a por otra !!:

    La CGT participa en el aparato estatal recibiendo subvenciones como los "sindicatos" colaboracionistas CC.OO., UGT, USO, CSIF.... Decir que CGT es anarcosindicalista o libertaria, términos que a estos tipos les gusta de autodefinirse, es como decir que Rouco Varela es pro abortista.

    Hay una serie de requisitos mínimos para definirse o ser anarcosindicalista, tales como los siguientes ejemplos: no recibir subvenciones ( la útima recibida por este "sindicato ácrata" de la Generalitat catalana asciende a la bonita cifra de 31.712 euros ). No tener liberados o lo que es lo mismo que nadie cobre por hacer sindicalismo, y mucho menos por hacer el vago y por ejercer de maestros del absentismo laboral. Han de ser los propios trabajador@s, sus afiliad@s, sus militantes, l@s que autogestionen todas las labores sin excepción del sindicato. Un sindicato anarquista, libertario, anarcosindicalista, ácrata, es asambleario, y esta premisa brilla por su ausencia en la CGT. La CGT no existen asambleas generales ordinarias. Estas se celebran cada año y a capricho de los jerifaltes de turno, con lo cual l@s trabajador@s, sus afiliad@s, sus militantes, no deciden en asamblea sobre la resolución de sus propios conflictos e intereses, se sigue la dirección de un Comité que ya tiene su "propio protocolo de actuación", para eso son más chulos que un ocho.

    Seguimos. Si la CGT tuviese más poder o ámbito de actuación, que no lo tiene - cosa esta incrédula para algun@s, dentro y fuera de esta organización - comprobaríamos sus "logros" y "hazañas" puntuales a nivel estatal: despidos improcedentes a asalariados de su propio sindicato de limpieza en ATENTO - Madrid, listas electorales en las últimas elecciones municipales andaluzas copadas por miembros de CGT, tales como las de Izquierda Unida o Izquierda Anticapitalista, entre otros... Pactos vergonzosos con la Patronal a cambio de privilegios como ha ocurrido en Bankia, afiliar a carceleros, presentación y defensa a ultranza de la farsa de las elecciones sindicales, asentandose en las poltronas de los Comités de empresa, y así en el ejercicio de las "horas sindicales", escaquearse del puesto de trabajo . "Libertarios" se autoproclaman, entendiendo esto como "libres" de los principios, tácticas y finalidades del anarcosindicalismo que dicen defender y que no lo hacen. Son el "copia y pega" de la única organización anarcosindicalista, hoy por hoy, existente en el estado español: la CNT-AIT. Cosa fácil esta de observar en el "diseño" y calcado de locales, propaganda, lemas, proclamas, e Historia de la cual se han apropiado por la mismisima cara de esta organización honrada y centenaria. Cuando no, y para engaño de los incautos, el "Made in Taiwan" de las siglas."Libres" de protestar contra los recortes en sanidad, educación y pérdidas de derechos - que vemos muy bien que se haga -, pero no tan "libres" de recortarse o negarse a percibir de Papá Estado, las subvenciones que les alimentan. Pues nada, lectores de este nuestro/vuestro blog, no hemos escrito un libro, ni mucho menos, ni expresado lo ajeno que muchos son de su conocimiento, porque sabio es el refranero español: "A buen entendedor, pocas palabras" y "No hay peor ciego que aquel que no quiere ver". Eso sí, la portada nos ha quedado totalmente amarilla.

    En Anglais Sil Vous Plais...

    CGT for "Dummies"

    'For Dummies' is a series of books and learning texts that aim to present a simple guide for new readers on various topics. Despite the title, we see that the books are not literally "for stupid people", but for the inexperienced or novice in a subject. They normally have a yellow and black cover with a triangular headed cartoon known as "Mr. Dummy" and a logo with the informal appearance of being written by hand by a child. The prose is simple and straightforward, some outstanding icons, like a piece of string tied to an index finger are placed in the margins to indicate particularly important fragments, so it's easy to find, even on the page, a passage that is being looked for. This having been somewhat clarified, I ask: Do you want another? Then we go for another!:

    The CGT participates in the states apparatus to be subsidized as other "unions" and collaborators CCOO, UGT, USO, CSIF .... To say that the CGT is anarcho-syndicalist or libertarian, terms which these people like to define themselves as, is like saying that Rouco Varela is pro-choice. (mod ed: A well known fascist)

    There are a number of minimum requirements to be defined as anarcho-syndicalist, such as the following examples:

    do not receive subsidies (the last received by this "anarchist union" of Catalunya amounts to the beautiful figure of 31,712 euros). Not having a payroll, also known as not charging for syndicalism, specially not for malingering and being masters of absenteeism. It must be the worker's themselves, their affiliates, its militants, that self-manage all the tasks without exception in the union. An anarchist union, is libertarian, anarcho-syndicalist, anarchist, is committed to assemblies, and this premise is conspicuous by its absence in the CGT. In the CGT no ordinary general assemblies exist. Their assembly is held once a year at the whim of the shift boss, which the workers, affiliate's, and its militant members do not get to decide at on resolving their own conflicts and interests, it follows the direction of a committee that already has its own "action protocol".

    Continuing: If the CGT had more power or scope, which they don't - a thing that is incredulous for some inside and outside of the organization - we would verify their "achievements" and "exploits" statewide: unfair dismissals of employees of their own janitors union in ATENTO - Madrid, electoral lists in the last municipal elections in Andalusia taken over by members of CGT, such as the United Left or Anti-Capitalist Left, among others ... shameful covenants with the employer in exchange for privileges such as has occurred in Bankia, affiliation with jailers, presentation and uncompromising defense of the farce of union elections, settling in the armchairs of the works council, and so in the exercise of "union hours" wriggle out of the job. "Libertarians" they call themselves, understanding this as "free" of the principles, tactics and goals of syndicalism which they claim to defend and do not. They only "copy and paste" the only anarcho-syndicalist organization, currently existing in the Spanish state: the CNT-AIT. Easy thing to observe this in the "design" and model in local advertising, slogans, proclamations, and history of this honored and century old organization which has been appropriated by them. Why not, to the deception of the unwary, the "Made in Taiwan" of the acronyms. "Free" to protest against cuts in health, education and loss of rights, which we agree as very well done - but not so "free" to cut or refuse to receive from the 'sainted' state the subsidies that feed them. No, readers of this our/your blog, we have not written a book, much less, we are not gossiping the views expressed that many are aware of, it is these wise Spanish sayings : "To a good listener, few words" and "None so blind as those who do not want to see." Of course, we've left the cover completely yellow.

  2. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Does this include dues? I know that the IWW requires dues...
  3. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    No it doesn't include dues, just the fact that dues aren't used for career union jobs but for emergency strike funds and propaganda...once the union becomes your career the door to corruption is wide open
  4. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Ok cool, I figured that much. Thanks for the clarification. At first I was like waaaiiittt a minnuttteee because that statement was so absolute.