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Fort Hood....

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by Cocytus, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. Keesling

    Keesling Member Forum Member




    Dec 8, 2009
    Brainwashed...hmm sounds likes your just going with the majority because you really have no knowledgeable information on the military what so ever which is why you obviously hate it so much. When you go through Basic Training , yet you are pretty much told to acknowledge the hierarchy of rank. That's how all organizations are usually formed. Beaten and broken? Are you saying that they pin us up to chairs and with our eyes open as we are force fed propaganda? Maybe just like clockwork orange?

    Its apparent..that you just show how much knowledge you actually lack soup sandwich.

    I avoided your 'counter statement' because i don't feel like playing school games about who's got the best jokes. Apparently that's were your area of maturity and expertise lye's though?

    How does it feel like I'm not in control? Well being i at least knew that's kind of how it work when i enlisted , it doesn't bother me much. You being in a leadership position as a manager at the movie theaters though i guess you really wouldn't have to worry about that now would you? I think the mindless media video's that your theater puts out has a lot more brain manipulation then , me in a uniform. The fact that you are in a leadership role at your job is scary enough , how does it feel knowing your psycho pathetic agenda will never come into effect?

    As for me admitting i hate the army? Well yeah , it sucks , everyone likes to have there freedom. No one likes to be away from friends and family.Missing holidays. And no one likes being lied to , but why are you getting off topic here? This isn't about me and my reasons , this is about you and your insane visions. Your preach of destruction of mankind while contradicting yourself in every other post you make.

    Death to all those who impose you and your agenda.
    That's what you are and stand for.
    Yet here you are.. regulating everyone Else's view of anarchy.
    Criticizing everyone Else's view , and not accepting anyone's perception.

    Who the fuck are you to have any say?

    Also...yeah soup sandwich..pretty witty eh?
    I must admit , i do like it. It fits you.
  2. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    Only cowards give up and see the death of every human being as a solution. I don't see even the remotest anarchist beliefs coming through in anything that you say. I agree with the soldier, you are all about you you you you you. And apparently u are too big a coward to leave this country, which u claim to hate so much, yet won't leave. That is a contradiction. Yes, go hate this country somewhere else, then at least u won't look like such a poseur.

    You want to kill anyone who disagrees with you. you are a fascist and a totalitarian. You may as well just admit it.

    (for the record i don't hate the country, i hate the government that runs it, i hate what it has become, but i don't think killing everyone is a solution.)
  3. BlinkoChrist

    BlinkoChrist Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 1, 2009
    I think we can all agree that the government is fucked up. But why can't we love the people? After all, I think everybody agrees that people have been brainwashed, so couldn't we unbrainwash them? I think it's a LITTLE better than kiling everybody on this planet, I mean sometimes people must be killed, but not for being tricked into doing something you hate.

    On that topic why DID you join the military, and what are your political/anarchist views?

    And yeah, I think I know where ye live, I'm more by bastanchury ogg the 91 not so far from radiation records...only white kid there xD
  4. Vegetarian Barbarian

    Vegetarian Barbarian Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 19, 2009

    Let me see you grow the balls to kill yourself.

    And i hope you dont! cause i like you. <3

    But.. hey we have a right to kill ourselves, if they wanna do it, then so be it. I dont know its a touchy subject. I dont wanna see my friends killing themselves you know? I dont consider them cowards.. Suicide Bombers though.... cowardly isnt the right term for it.
  5. Jack

    Jack Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2009
    Anxiety, you are a reactionary motherfucker, you are not an anarchist, fucking deal with that. Because as long as you spout that bullshit about a "like it or leave it" mentality you're just as bad as any other reactionary.

    Soldier boy, if you get shot I don't give a fuck. You support the fucking massacre of Iraqi and Afghani civilians so I really don't give a fuck about you or how your family feels. I hope you come back in a fucking body bag. Both you and Anxiety decrying everything that doesn't take your right wing bullshit as "fascist" is getting on my fucking nerves. By not supporting class struggle and instead attatching yourself to a different group than your class is one of the bases of acual Fascism.

    You are reactionaries, though Coucytus (sp?) is extreme, his ideas are in the righ place.
  6. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    Aww i'm really said u don't agree with me (sarcasm) And i love that you are labelling me also. Anything else I should do Boss, since you know everything and have all the answers? I think if u live somewhere and hate it, and do nothing to try to better it, you are pathetic. And actually I think of my self as an Autonomist, Though i'm sure you'd be more then happy to cut me down for saying that. You are a jerk. You don't know me. Fuck off.
  7. Keesling

    Keesling Member Forum Member




    Dec 8, 2009
    Well if you ever wanna know something like that blinko , you can always PM me. I see.. i was by Euclid and Orangethorpe.

    You two are nothing more then crazed kids. You think you are righteous vigilantes , yet you are not. The fact that you two both speak directly about my family and friends shows this obviously has more to do then just politics. To say eliminate soldiers for my own political agenda , i can understand your nutcase theory , but then to say you wish for my friends and family to feel pain? Ha , your views are nothing more then a child's dream. Jack you are another senseless fuck.

    Slaying innocent Iraqi's and Afghanis?

    Hey dipshit , let me tell you a little something.Not everyone in the army shoots people. Hell not everyone gets deployed. There are SO many jobs in the army , ie. air condition specialist , cook , tile specialist , supply , driver , mechanic. To say you hate all soldiers cause a particular job in the army? To say you wish pain to my innocent friends and family , yet you hate soldiers that kill the innocent. You too , are nothing more then a contradiction.

    You and Mr. Soup Sandwich are both hypocrites and i think you two need to realize that.
  8. The Anarchrist

    The Anarchrist Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 11, 2009
    God damn, this argument is setting fires up underneath people. But what do you expect, making a website for, what are in their rawest form, political extremists. LOL. I'm one too, so, you know... Anyway, my two cents in here...

    I don't support our troops, as in this day and age they join the army, they are not enlisted. They are generally ignorant people who believe everything their country tells them. Most of them are conservative, religious-right, nationalist homophobes. None of those make someone I would want to even speak to, though where I am I have to. The army kicks gays out, which is a violation of civil rights, if I ever understood civil rights. If someone wants to die for what ever bullshit economic reason you are fighting for, government, why tell them no? Also, atheists are discriminated against. I, for one, am a catholic, though not a very good one, and I find this appalling. Some of my best friends are atheists. Of course, the troops, when they find out some one is an atheist, just turn away from them like they are scum. Its fucking bullshit! I'm sorry, but I hate the troops and I hate what the fucking stand for: nationhood, government and capitalism. But...

    I hate everyone. I'm a compassionate misanthrope, meaning I hate people because they don't treat others with respect and kindness and are greedy fucks. So when some one says to kill all the troops, I say fuck you asshole. Sure, I know I just spent that whole upper paragraph slamming the troops, but I do not condone even entertaining the idea of killing troops of any kind. And as for the line about support terrorism or whatever, that's the stupidest thing out of all of this! Terrorists kill anyone, mostly civilians. That's how they use terror as a weapon. By killing, well, not necessarily innocents, but you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure most of us here are anti-war. By that token, we should be anti-violence unless all around agree to it. Like in a mosh pit. LOL. So, yeah, there's my two cents. Hell, maybe even three.

    But to sum it all up for those who don't want to read the whole post:
    Troops suck because they are nationalist, homophobic, capitalistic pigs. War sucks because it supports nationhood and government. Doesn't mean we kill the troops. Terrorism is never cool cause it kills innocents. So fuck off.
  9. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    A little off topic, but what the hye, maybe it'll lighten the mood a bit. There is a great line from a song by Seth (or $EtH!) with this line I think is funny, but kind of true. "I'm glad that the gays are banned, cause no one should serve the state!" If the draft was on, I think the line would have more relevance, but nonetheless... I'd be ok with everyone being banned from serving...
  10. The Anarchrist

    The Anarchrist Active Member Forum Member




    Dec 11, 2009
    LOL. Good point. I know, this post is so small, right?
  11. Jack

    Jack Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2009
    Okay, well:

    A. What the fuck do you do? It's quite obvious that you're the kind (the vast majority) that is going to come upon the chance to shoot someone.

    B. If I give money to a fascist organization, or do work for a fascist organization, sure I may not be explicitly taking part in their acts but I am de facto supporting them by supporting the people doing them. You're just as responsible for the death of innocent Iraqis if you feed or care for the people who are going to kill them.

    No, actually, because you aren't an innocent, you are the enemy. Shit happens, sorry for your family, but I hope you get shot by some 15 year old Afghani trying to defend his own country.

    You're a "punk", and on an anarchist website, yet you're a soldier? Look in the mirror.
  12. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Two sides to everything, I personally agree with the violent armed struggle view of Anarchic Revolution, but also believe we need people of a pacifist nature to balance us out. Calling each other names like "Nazi" or "Coward" is just juvenile and leads once again to a division. We should embrace the passion and intelligence of both sides of this coin, instead of disparaging one another. The armed forces of the United States are capitalist cogs and wheels in the world wide death machine. You shouldn't put down Cocytus' feelings of rage against them because of pacifist leanings, do you think the Spanish Anarquistas were afraid to die in their quest to abolish the state? There is a strong tradition of armed Anarchist struggle, you can't fight Opression with good intentions and Ghandiesque tactics. By the same token you can't force peaceful anarchists to want to kill, not gonna happen and we shouldn't accuse them of cowardice because of it. :ecouteurs: :ecouteurs:
  13. Anxiety69

    Anxiety69 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 18, 2009
    Male , 46 years old
    Long Beach CA  United States
    my biggest problem with this whole debate is Cocytus's admittance that he wants all of humanity to die. That is not what I am fighting for.
  14. Keesling

    Keesling Member Forum Member




    Dec 8, 2009
    I Happen to do something along the lines of commo.

    I'm not disagreeing about some of these facts.. I signed a contract to a organization that is apart of the problem. I got that , but to ruthlessly say slay all and wish harm that are in this group is ridiculous. Yes there are men that kill , brutalize ect , and are heavily manipulated , but those people aren't even the majority. The killing usually done btw is marines , there whole training is based on no sympathy , killing and combat regardless of what your job is. The problem here is that people want to exterminate one whole group instead of taking on the head of problem. "Cutting off the head of the snake".

    How am i any worse then the kid depositing money in the cash register at McDonald , or even the consumer?

    To put me in a group and say that I'm a ignorant brainwashed , religious right , conservative homophobes...is wrong.Before i joined the service i did nothing but spit at a man in uniform...whether it was combat camouflage or suit and a tie in downtown. Part of the reason i joined , to glimpse the other side , and see what fuck it was that i had hated so much. There are many people here that came from a ironic background.They don't support patriotism , nor Christianity. They do there job to collect the funds they need and get the hell out , just like any other job. They play the employer for cash , just as much as the employer plays its employees.
  15. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    Watching the debate on here for a couple of days I still stand by my original opinion, don't know if I posted it, but whatever:
    I hate the war, not the troops.
    Crass said 'fight war, not wars' right?
    Does that mean that we should also kill all involved in the army? Including the ones that actually try and rebuild instead of destroy, this is actually a large portion of the activities involved in the army from Holland as far as I know.
    I dislike some people, but not enough to actually off all of them, so yeah, maybe I'm one of those wimpy peace punks or whatever, but I don't give a fuck.
  16. Jack

    Jack Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 30, 2009

    A. The aren't the ones responsible for the death of innocent people.

    B. They need the fucking job.

    C. They need food.

    Wheras you, instead of going to work at McDonalds, decided to be a fucking squaddy scumbag and go off to kill people. You're scum to compare yourself to someone trying to feed themselves, you're just a selfish, decadent scumbag.
  17. Cocytus

    Cocytus Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 14, 2009

    As for my whole thing in my signature that says support terrorism, I have a very, very, very "black" sense of humor, It just happens to rile people up when they read it.
    Gotta keep the piss in punk rock somehow, granted It is a double negative because ALL forms of military is terrorism.

    By the way soldier boy, I hope that cold you have kills you.
  18. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    :lmao: You guys are too much sometimes, pretty fuckin funny though, look Keesling I dont want to jump on the bash-wagon but you sound like an apologist for the military, you obviously made a mistake by joining but don't try to persuade anarchists too agree with those choices. Its simple, get the fuck out, and do your best to correct whatever damage you've contributed to by being another pawn. That is if you really think you want too, if not then stop pretending and get on with the buisness of evil of which your a part of.
  19. Cocytus

    Cocytus Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 14, 2009
    He needs to get the fuck off of this message board and quit pretending hes something hes not, because some of us would still like to keep our dignity.
  20. Keesling

    Keesling Member Forum Member




    Dec 8, 2009
    Are you fucking shitting me? Mc Donalds Rapes the third world communities of some of the poorest nations throughout the world. Are you telling me they have no responsibility through starvation and innocent deaths? Wow.

    So you think a man in uniform signed up for Fabric Repair Specialist , Laundry and Shower Specialist , plans on getting out and becoming a professional fabric repairs men? Lets think of all the poor innocent people a Fabric Specialist kills with his Febreeze and Tide detergent. Or maybe the logical reason being they needed the fucking job too..so lets fucking kill this guy for being a employee for the army.

    Matter of fact..fuck it..lets off all consumers and employees of enemy's to anarchy? Let's kill all the innocents working for companies like Mc Donalds. Lets kill everyone that has consumed a product like a Xbox 360 or Ipod , Kill everyone that has helped spin the wheel a little bit for the system , your mentality is pretty much that. Ignorant.

    Hey soup sandwich. Glad you finally came back. You want me off this website? Why is that? cause i prove your ideas to be idiotic?...glad you did you're research , i figured after you changed your location from long beach NJ to a hilltop on Afghanistan it was for identity purposes. I knew you would look into mine..see..i don't run nor hide.

    I think people need to stop referencing me as a soldier , and look at me as a human.I'm pretty sure I've been human a lot longer then I've been a soldier. And as far as everyone's opinions and facts about the military , (At least the army branch) you've been pretty much wrong.I'm not here to protect the military from being bashed. It has a huge role and has huge negative impact...

    What I'm saying reckless idiots preaching that we should kill everyone that has something to do with the negatives in this country is wrong , and retarded. Seems to me some people just want violence out of anger and not for change. The politics you speak of are no worse them some of the worse dictators to date.
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