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Trending racism

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by nclpw, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    So I found this bullshit
    Just read the comments.
    I usually never go on that fucking site and of course the two times I have been there they either piss me off by being sexist and homophobic or THIS, I don't know if they're always like this or if I'm just really unlucky, but what the fuck is this? When exactly did "reverse racism" even become a thing? And WHEN did it become okay to be racist again? Why doesn't this get removed? I really think the western society has been pretty stagnant since the 50's, if not the dark ages, and now we're going backwards once again.

  2. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    That doesn't suprise me to be honest. The modern day jokes are becoming more and more racist, violent or pointless but unfortunately more and more people laugh at them. 9GAG is a shitty teenage site, you couldn't really expect more than this and if you look at the comments you'll see many people defending racism with stupid arguments such as 'if the guy in the picture doesn't mind then it's not racism '.

    Unforutantely I have to agree with you on the 'dark ages' of our younger population. The best example is that when I mention racism or neo-facism everyone I know just bursts into laughter and say such things don't exsist. I often wear shirts with some text on them, and I remember wearing a 'Anti-imperialism' shirt and a guy in class asked me what is imperialism and why do I fight against it ( people I talk about are 18+ , which is really hilarious if you think about it, people in africa know what's imperialism when they are 5 ). Amongst other things I blame Internet and sites like 9GAG, Facebook, Youtube for selfish and arrogant attitude of younger population.

    And talking about about racism and who teaches kids that I have a very shocking poster from one of our politacal parties in Croatia ( HDZ - Croatian Democratic Party ).

    The picture says : Easy choice - For better tomorrow.
    If you know anything about former Yugoslavia you will understand what this picture is about.
  3. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    HAHA, that's just sick. I'm actually from Kosovo. That doesn't really surprise me either though, but it's pretty funny that the political climate hasn't changed at all since the wars. Especially considering the fact that nationalist thieves and war criminals are considered heroes in Kosovo, the ones that actually killed and looted their own people. I know a few journalists have tried to point that fact out but they usually get ignored, seeing that NATO worked pretty closely with the KLA.

    Yeah I guess I shouldn't be so surprised but I really didn't think that they would do it so openly. Technically they can't be held responsible for the comments they get on the pictures there, but letting that racist shit float around is their fault.
    Oh man, ex-Yugoslavia is probably one of the biggest breeding grounds for neo-fascism and racism along with the rest of eastern Europe, its really deeply rooted in people there, as you probably know. Maybe that's why so many of them are completely blind to it, its become a normal thing, or maybe it always was.
  4. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    Unfortunately, true. Even though SDP has won the last elections it doesn't change anything.

    I've watched a documentary about the Yugoslavian war called 'Weight of Chains' and there are some journalists mentioned in the film who have tried to expose Tudmans nationalist way of thinking and they ended up dead. Not really connected to what you said but still :beer:

    Apsolutely true. Laste few decades fascist ( or whichever primitive groups of people ) have grown in numbers. Looking back at Sarkozy in France and now Merkel in Germany, Golden Dawn in Greece, HCSP/HDZ in Croatia, Jobbik in Hungary and the list goes on.........
  5. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Yeah, so that's a socialist democratic party or something? Well, being a socialist in a capitalist system is a joke haha.

    That's awesome, I'll look it up now. I'd like to know more about the other wars but it's been difficult to find info, they don't talk much about it anymore in the media and I guess since it was the east block people didn't care much to listen to whistleblowers. I didn't know Tudman actually had people assassinated though, but again I really don't know much about it. Thanks!

    Oh Hunagry seems like a lost cause, and yeah I really hate that it's being normalized, I mean being racist or fascist. It's a little scary that its going in that direction again, but I guess history repeats itself. I just wonder who'll be in charge of the fourth reich..
  6. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Experienced member




    Jul 21, 2012
    well the funny thing about is that when you make people aware that you find it racist they just laugh at you....racism these days are getting normalized and i find it very scary... :/
  7. Spike one of many

    Spike one of many Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 14, 2012
    Banana Republic  South Africa
    Or they try 'n turn it around on you and say you're being racist for saying it's racist.
    Most racist jokes are just stereotypical bullshit.

    What do you mean by reverse racism?
  8. Kobac

    Kobac Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    Left or right wing it is all the fucking same.
    It makes me mad when yugo-nostalgic people say:it was better back in days when Tito was alive...WTF Tito was a murderer just like Stalin and Hitler(folksdojceri, hrv.),there was no freedom of speech at all(i wonder how Satan Panonski evaded iron hand of communism then)UDBA was everywhere just like those decectives in Jaroslav Hasek novel "adventures of good solider Svejk" if you say something against Tito,party or anything incriminating next day you will find yourself in prison or lying in the gutter with a hole in your head.

    About the topic.Why would you even care for those bums, they are lost cause my friend.If you implant an idea in someones head by the age of 8 there is no way of getting it out no mather what, there is no more room for new ideas.
  9. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    That is a very good novel. And what you said is true, yugo-nostalgic morons make me sick. The sad part is that Antifa Zagreb supports Tito and his 'partisans'. Current situtation in ex-Yugo countries is, in my opinion, worse than many people think.
  10. Rebellious twit

    Rebellious twit Experienced Member Experienced member




    Jul 21, 2012
    well nostalgic morrons lies everywhere around the world i don't know so much about eastern europe especially Tito nostaligic people, but i know of the situation in germany and after the wall was gone and the fall of authorthian commies, people thought living under hitler was much better than this...
  11. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Ah yeah, but if you look at it this way, punks and other outsiders are probably being arrested and forced through psychiatric therapy more often now than then, haha. We are no better off anywhere, so yeah left side right side, both the same when it comes to free speech or individualism. I think a lot of people get nostalgic because they didn't have to worry about anything, not politics or unemployment or having a roof over your head. I think a lot of people don't like having to worry about big questions, and they don't want the responsibility over their own lives. I mean you can totally see it just the way kids are raised, I mean you basically go from one tit to the other, your parents, the state, the system or society. At least in albanian families you never really need to make any choices of your own, and if you do they usually label you as a black sheep or whatever.
    There is even soviet nostalgia starting in Russia though, but its just in the generation that actually experienced it.
    I heard Satan Panonski was affiliated with some weird fascist shit or whatever, I wonder why he didn't get offed either, and not for being a "punk" but rather a sick possibly fascist loony. At least that's a rumor I heard! I might be wrong, but he was definitely a little bit nutty.

    I care because those bums are growing :/
  12. Kobac

    Kobac Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Nov 7, 2009
    I worked with some guys from Vinkovci(City were Ivica was born)and they said that he was very intelligent person but a lunatic(most of intelectuals are crazy a bit).About fascism i think there is little bit of truth, after all he did voluntered in Croatian army(Kako je panker branio Hrvatsku)and he did not love Serbians(altough he was serbian)and showed some nationalistic ideas, but all those guys said, in his hearth he hated injustice and loved freedom.

    Ex-yugoslavia is full of rascism and people they do not even realize that, for them that is totally normal.I know when people here start talking about Albanian people, they describe them like savages,Bosnian like dumb,Serbians like killers,Slovenian like arogant and they(we) see themself(ourself) like fucking saints.It is been more than 20 years from Domestic war here and you still see rasistic behavior towards Serbian people and other way around.It is hard to be non rascist when they teach you in school about patriotism,neatly packed fascism,heroes(nothing more than murderes)and territories that belonged to us 1000 years ago and they still bitch about it instead teaching younger generations about solidarity between Slavic people
  13. Bakica

    Bakica Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Feb 21, 2010
    So damn true :lmao: :beer:
  14. nclpw

    nclpw Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 25, 2012
    Yeah it's exactly the same everywhere, but no one cared about that before(maybe also another reason why people are getting so yugo nostalgic. I know at least in Kosovo most serbs that lived in Kosovo and the other way around didn't really care much if you were albanian or serb, my granddad and my dad both got their educations in belgrade, for instance. And our neighbors were serb too, until our house got burned down and they shot my granddad of course :p
    So yeah, the nostalgia thing is pretty silly when they still try to burn down each others villages anytime they get a chance.
    It's pretty fucked up that they glorify mass murderes, or a guy that got his whole family killed BEFORE the way, for some gun deal the serbian police found out about. Apparently IF he had still been alive he would have been a great hero :p they're all whack poobrain. I can't imagine what it's like to live there now, I mean if you think croatia is bad you should really take a trip to kosovo sometime. Not too long ago some idiots tried to burn down the set of a tv show they were gonna make about sex and also sexuality, that didn't go too well with the religious fundamentalists so they went in there and rampaged the whole shit. They've promised something like 10000 euros to the first gay couple that gets married, you really think anyone would do that?