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Occupy Wall St. (support/debate)

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by Squee, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. fubarista

    fubarista Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2011
    Occupy? Smashing? :lmao:
  2. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    We need a hulk.
  3. apples&onions

    apples&onions Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 16, 2012
    Hulk... The best Black Bloc er.
    :lmao: <3 :lmao:
    Somebody needs to draw that.
  4. fubarista

    fubarista Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2011
    Speaking of whining and carrying signs, I just saw this Tweet:

    People who need to go to school to learn how to be disobedient, would need years of graduate studies before they could smash anything. And by then they'd be too brainwashed to consider it.
  5. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    It'd be like Captain Anarch@ posted earlier from Oakland. We should get all of the Avengers up in here. Gain the trust and respect of the children.
  6. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    TPP Week of Action! July 2-7 San Diego.


    Kick-Off Rally & Press Event
    Monday, July 2nd * 12:00 noon
    Between the Hilton Bayfront & Convention Center (Park & Harbor)
    On Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/events/463272507034625/
    For more info, email SNaranjo@unionyes.org

    Stakeholders' Forum — Must Be Pre-Registered with USTR

    Monday, July 2nd * 10:00am - 2:00pm

    Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel (1 Park Blvd)
    For more info, email arthur@citizenstrade.org

    OccupYrCorner Corner Occupation and Flyering
    July 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th * 12:00 - 2:00pm
    The corners outside the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel (1 Park Blvd) and Gaslamp
    For more info, email info@occupyrcorner.com

    Better World Conference: Workers' Rights, Outsourcing, Wal-Mart & Gentrification
    Monday, July 2nd * 6:30 - 8:30pm
    Logan Heights Public Library (820 E Street)
    For more info, email osdnotpp@gmail.com
    Better World Conference: IP, GMOs & Healthcare AND Women & the TPP
    Tuesday, July 3rd * 6:00 - 9:00pm
    Centro Cultural de la Raza (2125 Park Blvd)
    For more info, email osdnotpp@gmail.com

    Fourth of July Petitioning
    Wednesday, July 4th * Ongoing
    Throughout the City
    For more info, email bharper@citizen.org

    Soapbox Speeches Action
    Thursday, July 5th * 11:30am - 2:30pm
    Outside the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel (1 Park Blvd)
    Brief history of San Diego "soapboxing" at 11:30am
    For more info, email jamesbartoli@yahoo.com

    Better World Conference: Geopolitics & Empire AND Indigenous Rights
    Thursday, July 5th * 6:00 - 9:00pm
    Centro Cultural de la Raza (2125 Park Blvd)
    For more info, email osdnotpp@gmail.com

    Better World Conference: Local Economies & Sustainability AND Biodiversity & Climate Change
    Thursday, July 5th * 6:00 - 9:00pm
    Balboa Park
    For more info, email osdnotpp@gmail.com

    Negotiator & Stakeholder Reception — Registered Stakeholders & Invites Only
    Friday, July 6 * 6:00pm
    Location TBA
    For more info, email Cdrake@aflcio.org

    Pots & Pans March
    Saturday, July 7 * 10:30 am
    Civic Center (1100 3rd Avenue)
    Gathering at 10:30am; march to Hilton leaves at 11:00am
    For more info, email osdnotpp@gmail.com

    Better World Conference: Fukushima & Nuclear Power
    Saturday, July 7 * 3:00 - 5:00pm
    Peace Resource Center (3850 Westgate Place)
    For more info, email osdnotpp@gmail.com


    You going to be at any of these Mar?
  7. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Re: TPP Week of Action! July 2-7 San Diego.

    Nope I distanced myself from the occupy movement back in November of last year...reformist liberalism is not for me thank you very much.

    Please keep all Occupy related posts in the occupy thread...thanks.
  8. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Re: TPP Week of Action! July 2-7 San Diego.

    Of course, but it's still fun to crash the liberals parade.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Re: TPP Week of Action! July 2-7 San Diego.

    HA HA I can believe you guys are talking abut this, and I can believe I went to a planning meeting for this last night. - So in the car to the meeting a communist and 3 anarchists - the meeting was so boring!

    JesusCrust are you or do you know people from from your neck of the woods that are coming down for this? people in San Diego are planning to crash the party...

    Like half the people there were from the local Occupy.

    My joke of the night was:

    Who's most afraid of Anarchists? - Windows!

  10. fubarista

    fubarista Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2011
    Fun for you, maybe. I'm 72 and I've had serious health problems. I've had high blood pressure, respiratory distress, and severe hives. But as soon as I left Occupy San Diego, everything cleared up completely. It seems that I'm allergic to liberals. At my age it isn't a good idea to risk one's health for frivolous reasons. :D

    The TPP has already been negotiated. This is just a signing ceremony and a few protests aren't going to stop it. If they were forced out of San Diego, they'd just do it someplace else.

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Liberalism: Changing nothing, one protest at a time.

    Attack fails sometimes, but waiting fails always. Attack! :D
  12. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    My heart lies much more here...than anywhere near Occupy...


    Coordinación Revolucionaria Libertad lanza nuevo comunicado

    Seis organizaciones guerrilleras que integran la Coordinación Revolucionaria por la Libertad: Movimiento Revolucionario Lucio Cabañas Barrientos (MRLCB), Tendencia Democrática Revolucionaria-Ejército del Pueblo (TDR-EP), Brigadas de Ajusticiamiento 2 de Diciembre (BA 2D), Organización Insurgente 1 de Mayo (OI 1M), Brigadas Populares de Liberación (BPL) y Unidad Popular Revolucionaria Magonista (UPRM)

    A los medios de comunicación electrónicos e impresos:
    De nueva cuenta comunicamos que algunas de las organizaciones que de 2006 a la fecha desarrollamos diversas actividades político-militares, hemos decidido abrir un nuevo ciclo en el que los Manifiestos que seguiremos emitiendo no llevarán el nombre de cada una las organizaciones que los suscriben, sino sólo una consigna y un nombre para la coordinación.

    En esta ocasión les enviamos el Manifiesto a la Nación #2 de este nuevo ciclo.

    Agradecemos de antemano su atención.

    ¡Por la unidad y la emancipación del pueblo!


    Al pueblo de México

    A los pueblos de América Latina y el mundo

    En medio de una verdadera catástrofe social, la cúpula empresarial y política del país ha decidido imponer a toda costa al próximo presidente de la república y conservar la mayoría en el congreso, con el objeto de profundizar la privatización de los bienes nacionales, reforzar el autoritarismo estatal y garantizar la desenfrenada acumulación de capital.

    Esta decisión política significa que la maquinaria para consumar un nuevo fraude electoral se encuentra en marcha y puesta a funcionar a todo lo que da.

    De esta ominosa decisión dan cuenta una serie de hechos entre los que destacan la campaña de terror que ha significado durante seis años la supuesta guerra contra el narcotráfico, el bombardeo mediático instrumentado por el duopolio televisivo y algunos otros medios electrónicos e impresos, las preferencias fabricadas a modo por encuestadoras privadas, la sumisa actuación del IFE, el acarreo, la compra y la coacción del voto; todo esto a favor de Enrique Peña Nieto, candidato del PRI, así como a favor de otras candidaturas al congreso y a la titularidad de algunos gobiernos estatales y presidencias municipales, candidaturas pactadas entre distintos partidos, incluidos los de la izquierda electoral.

    No obstante, una serie creciente de movilizaciones y protestas protagonizadas por diferentes sujetos sociales, están poniendo en cuestión el uso faccioso de las instituciones estatales y la subordinación de la política a las necesidades del capital, tratando de cerrar el paso a este nuevo atentado fraudulento y golpista.

    El origen de la mayoría de estas movilizaciones se encuentra en el dolor, la indignación y el hartazgo social que la voracidad, la prepotencia y el cinismo de la clase empresarial y los funcionarios corruptos han generado a lo largo y ancho del país; hartazgo que vienen acumulándose por lo menos desde las brutales represiones perpetradas por el antiguo régimen estatal desarrollista, hasta las masacres cometidas por los gobierno priistas y panistas bajo el actual régimen neoliberal.

    Tragedias como la sucedida en Pasta de Conchos, o en la Guardería ABC, o como las que siguen viviendo las familias de las asesinadas de Juárez, o los familiares de los más de 10 mil desaparecidos y de los más de 80 mil asesinados bajo la gestión calderonista; asesinatos, torturas y desapariciones forzadas cometidas contra ciudadanos, periodistas, luchadores sociales y militantes revolucionarios; represiones policiacas como las ejecutadas contra los trabajadores de Sicartsa, los comuneros de Atenco, la APPO, La Otra Campaña, los ecologistas de Guerrero, los comuneros de Cherán, Wirikuta y contra cientos de comunidades indígenas (por mencionar sólo algunos de los acontecimientos y de los movimientos o sectores sobre los que se ha ensañado el abuso del dinero y del poder), han puesto a flor de piel el conflicto que escinde a la sociedad mexicana y han agotado la capacidad que había tenido el capital para realizarse sin tener que recurrir abierta y permanentemente a la violencia y a la guerra, sacudiendo millones de conciencias y haciendo ver la necesidad de un cambio en la dirección y administración de la vida pública del país, aunque la mayoría de la población aún no coincida en los medios o vías para lograrlo.

    Justo en este contexto, la irrupción y el eficaz despliegue del movimiento #YoSoy132 ha venido a reanimar la lucha contra la imposición, actualizando las luchas pasadas y posibilitando la articulación de las luchas presentes, al coincidir con un gran número de ciudadanos y organizaciones sociales en la necesidad de vigilar que los poderes fácticos respeten la voluntad popular en la actual contienda electoral, y reconocer ésta como alternativa viable para democratizar pacíficamente la vida pública del país.

    Esto ha generado reservas y condenas entre quienes consideran reformista toda participación en la lucha electoral, en momentos en que el dilema político al que nos lleva la catástrofe neoliberal no está en decidir entre Reforma o Revolución, sino entre Revolución o Barbarie, sin que esto signifique aceptar las prácticas oportunistas que marcan el mundo de la “política real”.

    La revolución no es un acto voluntarista, sino un proceso en el que los seres humanos, al ejercer nuestra libertad, podemos ser capaces de transformar desde la raíz el conjunto de nuestras relaciones, para interrumpir la barbarie y la devastación que el indetenible enriquecimiento de unos cuantos, y la aspiración al “progreso” interiorizada por la mayoría, ha impuesto a la vida social y a la historia.

    En consecuencia, si pretendemos incorporar a la revolución al mayor número de voluntades individuales y colectivas es necesario utilizar las mismas leyes e instituciones que norman la lucha electoral y llevarlas al límite de sus posibilidades, para poner alto a la violencia criminal e institucional y dar lugar a un proceso político nacional efectivamente democrático, sin perder de vista que la clave de la transformación social profunda no está en dichas leyes y mucho menos en sus instituciones, sino en el establecimiento, desde abajo, de nuevos ordenamientos que garanticen otra forma de cohesión y convivencia humana; una forma social no capitalista, autónoma, autogestiva, autosustentable y capaz de desarrollar sus propias formas de autodefensa.

    Por todo lo antes dicho, al tiempo de reiterar la postura de las organizaciones que integran esta coordinación de seguir formando parte del actual movimiento democratizador y de acompañar, con nuestras propias formas de lucha, las acciones que tengan que darse para cerrar el paso a la actual intentona golpista, hacemos un llamado a las organizaciones populares, democráticas y revolucionarias del país a la reflexión, la discusión y la articulación política fraterna, con el objeto de responder a los altos requerimientos del momento político actual.

    Junio 27 de 2012

    ¡Por la unidad y la emancipación del pueblo!
  13. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    NOVA, I think so. Not so much radicals though. I have a few radical friends from around here, but they're mostly doing shit in LA, or they went off the map as far as I'm aware. Not much radical organization here in OC, but I'm working on that...

    I'm still deciding if I want to go down to SD for the TPP thing, just to shake it up a bit. I don't want to go and be the only one there going "A Las Barricadas!"


    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    I don't know if i should be responding to this here or in the Yo Soy 132 thread in spanish or the one in english, i created, so new moderators don't ban me yet ;) punkmar77 wrote his thoughts here so ill add to it here...

    Mexico - Elections - Neo-liberalism - Enrique Pena Nieto - Manuel Lopres Obrador - an uncertain future...

    I was talking to a cop south of the border at a Yo Soy 132 (I Am 132) march, and he asked me if i supported them, i said well all they want is voters to be aware of the politics of the time and for people to be aware of who is running so they can make the right choice in who they vote for. I asked him if he was in favor of that and he said yes of course. And then i added no matter who wins nothing is going to change. And the cop agreed with that too. And then i said the more interesting question is what will happen to Yo Soy 132 when they realize that electoral politics will not change anything? What will Yo Soy 132 do?

    So the US Economy is functioning as planned and jobs are being shipped to other places were labor is cheaper and immigration policies are being enforced and hundreds of thousands of people are returning to Mexico. One can no longer just escape ones country and must return and maybe its time to start to fight for change where one was born.

    I just saw a news report and in mexico police departments and the military are getting ready for the elections, so they will be on the streets and ready as the transfer of power goes to Enrique Pena Nieto (the candiate from the right), the one who bought the election. So the election is on sunday and by monday they will have an official winner and a semi police state in place to keep the population down...

    ...but it will have only just begun

    ...I to wonder what will happen

    Ha I know some anarchists are planning stuff, maybe just showing up on saturday for the pot and pans march and maybe go to some of the workshops, if you got the time and can come down why not? meet some @ from SD... And get some skills banging on pots, i think they are gonna try and get beats down so people will be marching down the streets banging on some beats...

    And if you get there and it sucks, fuck it don't go "A Las Baricadas" but instead go "A Las Playas" traslation: "To The Beach" :D
  15. fubarista

    fubarista Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2011
    Yes, that speaks to my heart too, Mar.

    Maybe people south of the border are smarter, Nova, but most people here when they realize that voting won't change anything, go right on voting. I think it might be like people who no longer believe in god, but keep right on going to church. It's some kind of social thing, I think.
  16. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    I heard from a friend from SD, who has been staying up in LA, that SD is requesting radicals, black bloc, etc. on the 7th to shake things up a bit. They want a lot of people there. I'll most likely be there, just need to find a ride. I guess I'll be seeing you then?
  17. fubarista

    fubarista Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2011
    There will also be People's Conference events. Here's the schedule and list of speakers:

    Monday July 2nd * 6:30 – *8:30pm 567 South 28th Street, San Diego, California 92113
    Workers’ Rights, Outsourcing, Wal-Mart & Gentrification

    Benjamin Prado – Member of Union del Barrio, San Diego
    Celeste Drake – AFL-CIO
    Genoveva Aguilar – Proyecto de Casas Saludables
    Christian Ramírez – The director of the Southern Border Communities Coalition.
    Colectivo Zapatista
    Petra Mata – La Fuerza Unida
    Viola Casares – La Fuerza Unida

    Tuesday, July 3rd * 6:00 – 9:00pm 2004 Park Blvd., San Diego, California 92101
    IP, GMOs & Healthcare AND Women & the TPP

    Francisco Vera – Vice President of the ONG Derechos Digitales (aka The Digital Rights NGO) in Santiago, Chile.
    Kevin J. Green – Professor of Law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law.
    Maira Sutton – Maira Sutton is the International Intellectual Property Coordinator at the Electronic
    Frontier Foundation (EFF).
    Sanya Reid Smith – Legal Advisor & Senior Researcher, Third World Network, Penang, Malaysia.
    Cathy Mendonça – Cathy Mendonca is a Residential Advocate at the YWCA of San Diego’s Becky’s House and is the newest member of Af3rm San Diego.
    Kathy Sorrel – Occupy San Diego
    Petra Mata – La Fuerza Unida
    Viola Casares – La Fuerza Unida

    Thursday, July 5th * 6:00 – 9:00pm 2004 Park Blvd., San Diego, California 92101
    Geopolitics & Empire AND Indigenous Rights

    Arnie Saiki – Coordinator of Moana Nui : The Pacific Peoples, their Lands and Economies, a three-day summit in November 2011 in Honolulu. Coordinator of Imipono Projects.
    Dave Gapp – Lieutenat Colonel Rtd. U.S. Air Force. Member of Veterans for Peace
    Herb Shore – Retired professor from San Diego state University. He will speak on : the Tijuana-San Diego Region, globalization, NAFTA and cross-border solidarity.
    Kuusela Hilo – ILPS-US Chapter Country Co-Coordinator and member of the International Coordinating Committee of the ILPS.
    Victor Menotti – Executive Director of Internatinal Forum on Globalization
    Gustavo Esteva – A founder of the Universidad de la Tierra in Oaxaca, Mexico. He is also a former corporate executive, a former guerrilla, a former high-ranking official in the government of President Echeverría, and an advisor with the Zapatista Army for National Liberation (EZLN) in Chiapas for the negotiations with the government.
    Mahina Rapu – An elder from Rapa nui (Easter Island), health practioner and independent activist
    Steve Newcomb – Shawnee/Lenape, author of “Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery.”
    Stan Rodriguez – Kumeyaay Community College
    Manlio Cesar Correa – Director of the Instituto Binacional de la Fronteras.
    Paul O’Toko – Executive Director, Indigenous Stewards International
    Theresa Jaranilla – Theresa Jaranilla is the Southwest Coordinator for BAYAN-USA, an alliance of progressive Filipino groups in the U.S.

    Thursday, July 5th * 6:00 – 9:00pm
    Local Economies & Sustainability AND Biodiversity & Climate Change

    Andrea Carter – Attorney from San Diego and member of the Ant Hill Collective an egalitarian housing community.
    Esteban del Río – Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of San Diego.
    Jane Kelsey – Professor of law at the University of Auckland, in New Zealand, and a prominent critic of globalization. She is a key member of the Action Resource Education Network of Aotearoa (Arena). She is also actively involved in campaigning for the New Zealand Government’s full recognition of the Treaty of Waitangi.
    Jeeni Criscenzo – Executive Director of Amikas. She will speak on Common Credits.
    Dr. Murtaza Baxamusa – Director of Planning and Development for the Family Housing Corporation of the San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council, as well an Adjunct Faculty with the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California.
    Ben Burkett –President of the National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC) in the U.S., and a cooperative-marketing-specialist member of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund. Former Indian Springs, current director of the Mississippi Association of Cooperatives, the local arm of The Federation of Southern Cooperatives. Ben represents NFFC on the Via Campesina Food Sovereignty C omission and is a board member of the Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC).
    Holly Hellerstedt – Field Director, Canvass for a Cause, Board member Calirifrnia Student Sustainability Coalition
    Ilana Solomon – National trade representative for the Sierra Club.
    Lori Wallach – Lori Wallach is Director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch division.

    Friday, July 6 * 6:30pm – 8:30pm
    Food Freedom or NAFTA on Steroids?

    Ben Burkett, President of the National Family Farm Coalition
    plus more

    Saturday, July 7 * 3:00 – 5:00pm
    Fukushima & Nuclear Power

    Ms. Chieko Shiina – experienced activist and dedicated organic farmer in Kawamata village of Fukushima before March 11th, 2001. One of her major contributions to Japan’s national anti-nukes organizing is that she organized the sit-in in front of the Ministry of Economy and Industry from September 11th, 2011. Further, she organized 100 women from Fukushima to set up “Women’s 10 months and 10 days sit-in” from late October, which later became both a symbolic and physical space where women from all over Japan came to communicate and organize. Co-sponsored with San Diego Veterans for Peace.

    Plus more tba

    Some of those events could probably do with a bit of shaking up also. :D

    THEBLACKNOVA Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Aug 11, 2011
    Oh cool, it'll will be interesting and well at least people will be able to network and plan for future stuff...

    Oh this is what i look like...

    http://futurama-madhouse.net/fanart/fry ... ic_fry.jpg
  19. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    We look exactly alike!

    Anyway you can PM your contact info so we can meet up when I get down there?
  20. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada