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Bullying in Schools

Discussion in 'General political debates' started by Probe, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    I never was too much of a violent person and, fuck, why the hell would I want to fuck someone's live? That's just disgusting, everything those people did to you is not justifiable and if I was friends with one of the dudes bullying you I would probably help you or stay out of it, I did that more than once because sometimes people just go to far and making fun of someone and excluding them and BEAT them to the point that they're affraid to go to school, is un-human...
    There were some more cases but the people we "bullied" or made fun of didn't actually hate us, we were more like those guys who are always joking about the most ridiculous things and making fun of everyone, I understand that it was probably annoying for them but they just laughed along and we knew when to stop.
    Yea, maybe I was not that much of a bully, more like a jackass who found it funny to joke around with everyone. And besides the principal and some teachers, we were pretty much liked around school because people knew we didn't said what we said with purpose of making harm to people, we just thought it was funny, for everyone. But I feel kinda bad about some of the stuff that I did but fuck it, I'm only 16 anyways so I was really young when I did those things.

    I don't know you, Rathryn, but I feel like you overcome all those problems and your probably a nice guy (I tend to go with the positive thinking the first time I talk someone) a nice guy. That thing about your best friend is really fucked up though, I'd kick her step-dad's ass with a damn crowbar!

    And, yea, doing those things, I think, made me more humble. Though I seem to be a bit harsh on my family sometimes, I ignore them a bit and just hang around at my room when I'm home or I just go out at night or in the evening and get home when everyone's asleep, so they feel a bit mistreated but I just don't like to always hang around with my family, it's boring but that's probably just an age thing...

    Best of wishes to you and you best friend!
  2. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    The best friend referred to is dead, so is her step-dad (he got shot during a previous suicide attempt).
    And hell, maybe I AM a nice guy, who knows? :p
    I just wanted to point out that there is a very, very big difference as to how I see bullying and how others (might) see it.
    As for the family, I dunno man, don't know how old you are and I don't know the situation you're in, so I can't really comment on that.
    And to be honest, I actually doubt that anyone who is or ever was a bully has the compassion to come on here and not only 'plead guilty', but also care enough about the problems of today's world and express an urge to change it.
  3. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    Sorry to hear that, mate, my condelences...

    I'm 16yo, and what I said I did when I got home that actually was before a bunch of stuff happened which I'll enumarete in a chronological order : I left home after an argument with my stepdad who punched and almost hit me with a chair, then my parents got me to cameback, after that, I had weed with me when I stayed a weekend with my grandparents and introduced my younger cousin to pot, then my grandparents found out, my grandad threatened to kill himself if I didn't stop (which I didn't and don't tend to, I'm just more careful about it and smoke less) and told my parents about the situation, who after all I mentioned before, decided to force me to get tested for drug usage and, since then, 3 months have passed, I just went out like 2 times and I was home at about 12.30am...Now I have to be home because I'm grounded, I can't even have lunch at school or anything, sucks hard but I'm hoping they stop it now that school's getting to an end, if not, I'm off home again for good...I won't mind living in squats and such, I know people who do so it's fine.
    That's the situation, not an extreme one, I think but still sucks.

    And thanks for making me feel less guilty, man, I really appreciate it :thumbsup:
  4. Rathryn

    Rathryn Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Oct 21, 2009
    Can't really say I made you feel less guilty, I just gave my opinion. YOU made yourself feel less guilty (rightfully so, if you ask me, but that's a diff story).
    Hope the shit clears up soon, I'm on the verge of being kicked out once more, myself. So I can imagine the situation you're in... well to an extent. Good luck with it, mate.
  5. antitude420

    antitude420 Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 16, 2010
    Well, MY interpretation of YOUR opinion made me feel better so it kinda works both ways, I guess.

    Thanks, man, good luck putting your shit together too.
  6. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Dec 10, 2010
    I am currently in middle school in Texas, and im a punk, and have ADHD, and Autism, so you probaly know whats gonna happen. Im surrounded by jocks who bully me. Punk rock showed me to stand up for myself, and fight jocks, and bully them back.
  7. The Freakboi

    The Freakboi Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    May 8, 2011
    People used to make fun of me alot at school because, well, I was a weird, kid but I was never really bullied as such. I never got beaten up at school because I've always been able to handle myself in a fight so the most I ever got was name calling from a distance.
  8. NumberLast

    NumberLast Active Member Forum Member




    Oct 17, 2010
    I think the amount of us that dealt with bullying or cruelty as kids is concrete proof that people hate and fear what they don't understand.
    I never fit into the mold i was supposed to, started school late because in the state of Oregon the schools can force kids to take ritalin before age 10, my mum didn't want me on meds so I started school late.
    On top of that I was a runt or an agnostic, not afraid of voicing my opinions. Needless to say I got the shit kicked out of me daily. My older brother never helped me so I learned to cope myself. Eventually their abuse was too much, so I seperated one of the leaders from the group and kicked his head into a concrete stairway. I still feel bad about it, but I've always stood on my own two feet and I've never been bullied since.
  9. thoughtfulmind

    thoughtfulmind New Member New Member




    May 29, 2011
    im currently in highschool i had been insecure and generaly seen as an outcast and even though i did not like violence i did have anger problems but the worst thing i did was almost break some kids finger by crushing it between my drumsticks after he had made fun of me for a couple months, this probaly would have been a big deal if i had gotten in trouble but my principle was both an family friend and she had been an outcast as a child so she did nothing she told me to go back to class didnt tell my parents didnt talk to the other kids parents.. then i decided to go on home schooling for 2 years basicly i did an hour of work then just read or listened to music and i developed my own beliefs and ideals... well now in highschool im bullied due to being smart in the way that im always reading books that noone understands, well i developed my own type of defence that uses the system i hate against people who have problem with me, my ideals or anything about me, i would just plain stand up walk into view of everyone then tell the person that if what he wanted was to hit me that he could and i would not defend myself or hit back but if he did he would have to deal with the consequences of his actions and they would either back down or hit me... if hey hit me they would then by the teacher be sent to the vice principle where i would tell him exactly what i said in full view of everyone and i would say i want to press charges for assualt and he and the cops would have to agree due to my pacifistic approach to viloence... the best one though was when this guy threatend me with a knife and i walked up in the middle of a lecture by the vice principle and openly invited him by name to stab me if that was what he realy wanted and i told him that he would face the consequences of his actions... easy to say he did not get what he wanted when the class was searched for wepons... some might call me a snitch and a supporter of the government but i am not im just the kid who found a way to use what he is against, against the people i hate such as jocks, conformist, preps, and thugs and i dont consider myself a snitch because i did not force them to do anything they choose to tell me they had a problem with me and i choose to use it against them.
  10. Bentheanarchist

    Bentheanarchist Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Dec 10, 2010
    Today, a kid spit at me and I almost got him. If I had punched hard enough he would fuck off, but he ran away. I only punch kids if they follow me and insult me, or physically harm me. The kid who spit on me was a dumb jock, so I did not follow him, I just sto;od up to him. Jocks are the biggest assholes in school; they are homophobes, and they are assholes to girls, which still don't know why girls like them.