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Religous views

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by colton_and, Apr 16, 2010.

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  1. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    A famous atheist (forgot the name) said "when you will understand why i hate all religions you will understand why i hate your's"
  2. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada


    See how stupid they look....

    Looks like a bunch of christians brainwashed idiots in the wood worshipping god

    if this kind of sect bullshit has anything to do with anarchism then i'm not an anarchist !!!! the day i will see anarchists in the woods with black flags doing a cult and worshipping a divine power i'll burn my fucking black flag !!!

    btw the picture is from wikipedia so don't tell me it's a fake
  3. trashbastard

    trashbastard Member Forum Member




    Apr 8, 2010
    lol they are sacrificing break fast!
  4. Arjay691

    Arjay691 Experienced Member Experienced member




    Dec 11, 2009
    Atheist. No Gods, No Masters, man.
  5. WitchesHammer

    WitchesHammer Member Forum Member




    Aug 25, 2009
    Most pagans are solitary practitioners and would also find what is happening in that picture to be silly. Give yourself a pat on the back, it's so easy to pick apart what other people think of the world around them.
    For the record, I don't believe that earth GODS AND GODDESSES exist, I believe that they are personifications of the world around me and it's driving forces. I don't need you to tell me whether or not I'm a fucking anarchist, and I sure as shit don't need to be on a website who's webmaster angrily picks apart it's forum member's views and ideas. I love the earth under my feet, but obviously not as much as you love your own ideas.
    You're nothing special...fitting into your idealistic views of what an anarchist should be only makes you a fucking pawn. What are you gonna do, turn people away because they look at the stars and think different things from you?

    You're the fascist, you fucking pig. You fatten yourself on your own views and treat yourself to fancies like a fucking king, you glutton. Instead of grain and money you eat up ideas and project hate onto the world around you. You design a mold in which to fit, and you exile those with whom you do not agree. You are prejudiced and are no better than a racist. You pick apart the thoughts of others to prove a point made by "90%" of anarchist writers before you.

    Anarchists need a haven, they need a place to talk over a fire, to exchange ideas and skills and to flourish without the existence of oppressors. Whether it pisses you off or not, I no longer care, you are an oppressor. We don't need this shit, you have been the most arrogant, pissed off, and offensive person on the board you're supposed to handle and mediate. You are a webmaster, normally when such things happen the webmasters tend to back off a tad, showing restraint and respect to those people who are ATTEMPTING to contribute to something they THINK or what I thought rather, was worth my time. Good luck to you, you have offended me and others, I do not hate you, I however do not respect you any longer and have forever placed you in my mind as an enemy to free thought.
  6. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Then why are you staying here ? No one force you...

    If you want to leave the forum because of 1 member's ideas in a community of 3500 members then leave and go join a forum where everyone is thinking the same and no one jave different opinions.

    Because i'm the webmaster doesn,t makes me special, this is just a technical post.

    Wow, you just said you want to leave the forum because i "angrily pick on others" and you are doing the same, you're a fucking idiot.

    In the same paragraph you say i'm a fascist and a pig but you also admit that the same point have been made by 90% of the anarchists writters before me. So the whole anarchist movement is a fascist movement, hahahaha

    Hahahaha. Insults again. You're so contradictory, you critize me for insulting AND YOU DO THE SAME.

    I have the right to have my own ideas, and because i have different ideas than you doesn't makes me an oppressor. If i would like to kill all paganists or deny them the right of being paganist, then maybe you could say i'm an oppressor. BUT I DON'T CARE IF SOMEONE IS PAGAN AND I'M NOT GOING TO DENY HIM THE RIGHT TO BE A PAGAN OR KILL HIM. Idiot.

    If i'm an oppressor and a fascist (you probably don,t even know the definition of fascism seeing how much you use this term everywhere when it's not appropriated) then so is everyone who think anarcho-capitalists and anarcho-nationalists are fake anarchists.

    Hahahahah you're so funny i'm laughting my ass off while i read you.

    You're the fascist and the enemy of free thought for calling me a fascist and pretending i shouldn't have the right to have my own ideas.

    I would be an enemy of free tought if i'd deny the right of others to be a pagan, BUT I'M NOT. I'm just saying my own opinion on the subject, if you think i don't have the right to do this then YOU ARE THE ENEMY OF FREE TOUGHT.

    Before calling other fascists read the bullshit you post, you sound like one.

    So why don't you leave the forum like you said, fascist ?
  7. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    ok how about we close this topic now ?

    anyway it's hopeless to open the eyes of religious indoctrinated & brainwashed fools...

    And actually, what's more fascist than not accepting that someone might disagree with your beliefs and your cults ? That's called religious elitism, the most christian of all christians would react the exact same way as you religious indoctrinated fools if we critize christianism.
  8. WitchesHammer

    WitchesHammer Member Forum Member




    Aug 25, 2009
    90% was put into quotations, I was being sarcastic.

    All worthless, pointless, and counter productive arguments aside.
    Whether you will admit it or not, you are forcing your "opinions" onto others. I never did such, I simple offered an arguement to show that there is nothing harmful with the way I view the world around me, and regardless of what you may deem to be so, I know for a fact that the things I believe are not counter productive to anarchist thought. I do not seek out gods or goddesses to show me an answer, or call upon people before me to see a way, which is something you seem to do given all your pretty little quotes and citings of popular anarchist writings.

    All of my arguments have been constructed to show the good in what I feel and see around me. Your arguements have been constructed to show what is bad in people and what should be discredited as fascism. It's fucking insulting. You can pick apart, and justify every single one of your silly, hateful, self serving, arrogant, and offensive points of view and opinions...but your cunning use of words does not make them right. Your ability to articulate arguments may be superior to mine, but only offer YOU comfort, in yourself. Serving yourself is easy, and it would be nice if this were a world where only you existed and noone else mattered, wouldn't it?

    I want to leave the forum because this is pathetic. Not only are you being an asshole, but you're driving others to "behave" in much of the same way. It's not helping anything, and regardless of what good you might think your doing, and how constructive you might think your arguments are...you. are. not. helping. I can accept that I'm not either, I became angry (which is pathetic since this is the fucking internet) because I felt personally offended. People get offended sometimes, and it's NORMALLY an easy problem to deal with, and since anarchists typically believe they have all sorts of answers to the world's problems, we should atleast be able to act like adults. I would LIKE to continue reading the forums, because I read way way more than I post, but you have created a really dogmatic view towards the whole fucking thing. People take a lot of things way too seriously. Crimethinc., Veganism, Straight Edge, Sexual Purity, Profane Existence, Political correctness, Punk show etiquette, and many other things that I don't bother to type out, you get the point. People take things too far, and that's the problem with organized religion, and religion in general, it is only dangerous when it's been taken too far. Our beliefs that we hold are not to be taken literally, just as many things are not simply black and white.

    To put it simply, there is NOTHING harmful about what I believe. I do not feel everyone should think the same way I do, I however, am upset when people go out of their way to demonize the things I hold close to me. Show me, that what I believe is dangerous, and that what I feel inside makes me less important in a communal setting than you. Show me that I am harmful to the freedoms of others around me because I like to personify the world around me. I'm sure you'll find a eloquent and witty way to make me look like an asshole, because that's all your good at. Casting the blame off of yourself, and onto others with well articulated statements that hold no. water. what. so. ever.
  9. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Oh so you don't agree that 90% of the famous anarchist writters are atheists ? Then prove it, give me evidences.

    How am i forcing my opinion on others ? I said multiple times that i don't want to deny the right to be pagan to someone, i'm not going to force him to not believe in paganism.

    My opinion is still that anarchism and paganism doesn't go together, and my opinion is still that paganism is shit and peoples should stop believing in it. But they're not going to be forced, and if someone would want to force peoples to stop believing in it i would be against it. But it seems that you can't read...
    Actually i don't even have a problem with a paganist, but i have a problem with a paganist who think he's an atheist or an anarchist.

    Then just leave the forum and shut up, i don't give a fuck.

    And, oh, it's my fault now if i'm being insulted as a fascist and a dictator, and on top of all i don't have the right to reply to the insultes.

    So maybe it's the time for you to realize that it's also NORMAL that i become angry when i'm being called a fascist and a dictator

    Thanks for giving me so much importance, i didn't know i was the whole forum by myself and that my opinion influence on all other's :lmao:

    So you prefer to attack the CONSEQUENCES (religious extremism) instead of the SOURCE (religion itself) of the problem. That's counter-productive.

    There is "nothing wrong" with christianism or islam neither....

    Yes you do - peoples who disagree with your beliefs are fascists.

    Anarchism is about liberating your mind from all cults and dogmas, including religious ones. Not only about physically liberating you. No you're not a threat to others and that's why i said i wouldn't force anybody to stop believing in what they want. But i'll keep saying that following cults and dogmas like a sheep is counterrevolutionary and it's bullshit. It's alienation and opium of the people.
  10. Axehandle Mountain

    Axehandle Mountain Active Member Forum Member




    Feb 26, 2010
    Eloquence and wit are not really attributes I'd associate with Ungovernable. Close-mindedness and arrogance, definitely. Quotations and references mean nothing without the ability to demonstrate personal reasoning. Repeating the words of great thinkers does not in turn make you a great thinker.
  11. New Face In Hell

    New Face In Hell Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Jan 22, 2010
    Only Sith Lords deal in absolutes....

    I think we may have found Ungovernable's secret identity!! :o
  12. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    lol you call me a closed-minded but you accuse me of being a fascist because i don't like your religion

    there's not much difference between you and a religious extremist, you're a pagan fanatic

    I have explained my personnal thinking a lot of time, i argued on many posts BUT YOU DIDN'T READ MY POSTS, YOU IGNORED MY ARGUMENTS BECAUSE YOU'RE BRAINWASHED AND YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHER SAYS. Now THIS IS fascism. If i quoted famous thinkers, it's because you accused me of being a fascist for the way i think. So i demonstrated that the MAJORITY of anarchists think the same. Conclusion : either the vast majority of anarchists are fascists, or either you are just STUPID AND IGNORANT.
  13. Spider

    Spider Experienced Member Experienced member




    Sep 3, 2009
    all i have to say after that epic read is that paganism has no dogma. It is not monotheistic (ie one god or creator) and it has no defined rules, other than those followed by the practitioner. To liken it to christianity or islam or anything like that is fairly ignorant. Particularly considering the fact that "it" can't really be very accurately defined, as the word is used to describe pretty much everything non- monotheistic, including atheism in some cases.

    PS I'm an Atheist.
  14. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    Religion is synonymous of dogma, if it wasn't a dogma it would not be a religion. There are some rules to follow to be a pagan or else how would you define what paganism is and is not ? Therefore it is a dogma.

    Officially, Paganism is a religion, atheism is against ANY religions, end of the story.

    Saying paganism can describe atheism is big ignorance, atheism isn't only about being against monotheist religions but ALL AND ANY RELIGIONS.

    The more appropriated term for you would be amonotheist since you don't seem to oppose to polytheist religions.

    The same apply to all the fake atheist of this topic who support paganism.
  15. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought Atheism was just the belief in no god(s) and the rejection thereof. I'm sure some of these "religions" that don't worship a higher power could be atheist friendly. Such as Satanism or in some senses Buddhism. Any and all Religion is ridiculous and brainwashes and can misconstrue a lot of perceptions and ideas about things, but that's not the point, so don't get me wrong.
  16. ungovernable

    ungovernable Autonome Staff Member Uploader Admin Team Experienced member




    Aug 21, 2009
    Canada  Canada
    And also the rejection of religion

    Anyway, one god or many gods, i don't see a big difference...

    Paganism is a religion.

    Satanism is stupid, Satan is a creation of the christian religion. In some sense it's just the "bad god".

    Buddhism is about worshipping buddha, not better. And it's still a religion.
  17. JesusCrust

    JesusCrust Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Apr 17, 2010
    Well yeah, but I was straying off the paganism thing for a hot second, I agree with that, I was going more for the actual meaning of atheism.
  18. robmarriott72

    robmarriott72 Experienced Member Experienced member




    Nov 27, 2009
    I consider myself a pagan, have always felt that way since i was 10, im 37 now and spent many years in a pagan group. I worship nothing/do not believe in Gods or Goddesses but have always felt a deep connection to the earth and wanted to be able to express and explore my connection with nature which i have done in many ways and glad that i have. Im sure some people on here wont understand that whilst others will. Im not a new age type of person in any sense and there are small elements within paganism that may be racist, but then there are National Anarchists too i believe? Small minority in both cases. I wont get involved with any dogmatic religion and would never belong to a group that says they hold the truth or such bullshit, some people in my group are athiest, buddhist, wiccan but all are really nice non-judgemental people who just want to share thier love of nature or getting to know more about themselves/enviroment around them. just like an Anarchist might by reading books or taking other steps to learn what makes them feel like heading down the Anarchist path, I do have Anarchist beliefs also.
    My point is that you cant over generalise something like paganism and it is offensive/stupid to suggest that the pagan path is full of racists, i dont want to argue by the way, it aint really worth it to me but just my view :)
  19. ILuvEire

    ILuvEire Experienced Member Experienced member




    Apr 5, 2010
    I'm Jewish. (Oy, I wonder if my bubbeleh asks herself "why would such a nice Jewish boy turn out to be a gay anarcho-communist?" :lmao: )

    Now, before I let that go, I'll say that I'm also anti-zionist (I think, like most anarchists, that nationalism is the biggest pile of bullshit EVER) and I identify most with the conservative movement (which seeks to bridge a gap between super-duper-live-in-a-kibbutz, orthodox, and ignore religion until something bad happens to you, reform) but my personal beliefs draw a lot from Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism.) I believe that a lot of the Torah is very much up to interpretation, and that god is something that transcends image. I don't believe that there's an old cranky Jew sitting up in the sky dictation our lives, rather, I believe that "God" is just the universe itself.

    I've also drawn a lot of beliefs from Taoism, but I don't necessarily agree that there's a transcendent duality in the universe. I really do believe that the universe is just various natural forces, but all of the natural forces together are, essentially, God.
  20. xOutspokenx

    xOutspokenx Active Member Forum Member




    Mar 7, 2010
    Fact is that, generally speaking, philosophically the burden of proof lies on whoever is negating a specfic concept.

    It really isn't.

    'Traditional' branches of Buddhism DO NOT worship Buddha as such, they just consider him to be the living example of righteous living. And as for it being a religion, well, that is highly debatable.

    As for myself, agnostic on philosophical grounds. There is no conclusive evidence that suggest either that there is a God or that there isn't and I don't find any philosophical argument convincing enough to tip either towards theism or atheism. I am against organised religion as such, but I do consider myself 'spritual' (terrible word, does not describe at all the idea I want to convey) in regards to certain things.
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