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When Anarchism becomes no more than a pose..

Discussion in 'Anarchism and radical activism' started by punkmar77, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Cuando el anarquismo es sólo una pose

    Lunes, 06 de Junio de 2011
    Escrito por J.J. González

    Agitadores vecinales con hambre de protagonismo que celebran sus asambleas en la bodega del barrio, alrededor de unas cuantas cajas de botellines. Se llaman anarquistas.

    Terapeutas enfermos, mucho más neurotizados que los pacientes que nunca tuvieron, deseosos de medrar, de hacer valer una ciencia que no poseen y de que algún grupo reconozca la intelectualidad de que carecen. Se llaman anarquistas.

    Inocentes avecillas que se dejan encantar por la palabrería floral, aunque hueca, de agitadores y terapeutas que se presentan cercanos y amigables, como los gurús a la caza de adeptos. Se llaman anarquistas.

    Profetas de un pacifismo entreguista que, con gesto de seminarista y hablar pausado, siempre posponen los temas ineludibles, más que importantes, hasta que las mayorías les sean propicias.

    Jefecillos intermedios que, con su don de palabra, que no de conceptos, pretenden convencer –y tantas veces lo hacen- a la audiencia de que, desde su posición de privilegio, son imprescindibles para la causa de los trabajadores. Lo único que hacen, en realidad, es afianzar su poder con la ayuda de los pobrecillos que les escuchan. Se llaman anarquistas.

    Corporativistas volcados en sus propios intereses sectoriales que manipulan asambleas para que esos intereses sean asumidos como colectivos. Se llaman anarquistas.

    Siempre he apoyado al Movimiento 15-M, tal y como he dejado reflejado en estas páginas en otras ocasiones. Y lo sigo haciendo. Pero, a medida que avanza la protesta, en el tiempo, que no en los resultados, he visto como se van acercando a él individuos de todas las raleas que intentan montar su chiringuito, personajillos variopintos, pescadores de río revuelto que usan muchas palabras que les vienen grandes, entre ellas anarquismo y revolución .

    Por fuerza, un anarquista tiene que mirar con simpatía al Movimiento 15-M por su carácter asambleario y autónomo y, por supuesto, puede participar en él en la medida que crea oportuno. Pero un anarquista nunca pensará que la condición de tal se debe a su participación en dicho movimiento, ni puede, tampoco, intentar arrebatarle a otro compañero la filiación de anarquista por mostrarse crítico con él. En ningún momento el Movimiento 15-M plantea ninguna alternativa a los poderes del Capital y el Estado y, por tanto, no puede calificarse como anarquista, tal y como algunos muy poco formados políticamente aunque presuman de lo contrario, pretenden.

    Aplicar a esta revuelta el término de revolución tampoco es acertado. Su lista de peticiones es absolutamente reformista. No pretenden abolir el sistema burgués de representación, sino, simplemente, una reforma electoral; no pretenden la eliminación del capitalismo, sino, sólo un mayor control sobre los mercados. Esto, por nombrar nada más que dos de sus reivindicaciones, pero todas las demás siguen una línea de reformas que, aunque constituirían un avance social, no tienen nada que ver con una transformación revolucionaria.

    Al igual que Mayo del 68 y el Movimiento hippy terminaron convirtiendo en productos de consumo la música contestataria y los pantalones vaqueros descoloridos y rotos, no me extrañaría nada que este movimiento acabara con El Corte Inglés exhibiendo en sus escaparates colgantes con anagramas anarquistas, chapitas con el lema spanishrevolution y tiendas de campaña con la marca 15-M.

    José Javier González De La Paz

    When Anarchism becomes no more than a pose..

    Agitators hungry for leadership that hold their meetings in the cellars of the neighborhood, about a few boxes of bottles. They are called anarchists.

    Sick therapists, much more neurotic than patients whom they never had, try to enforce a science that does not have, and that some groups recognize that lack intellect. They are called anarchists.

    Innocent little birds that are left captivated by the floral, but hollow talk, agitators and therapists who are close and friendly, as if gurus on the lookout for recruits. They are called anarchists.

    Treacherous prophets of pacifism , with as soft-spoken gestures as a seminarian, always postponing the unavoidable issues rather than the important and since they are the majority they are right. They are called anarchists.

    Intermediate chieftains who, with his gift of words, not concepts, intend to convince, and so often do, to hearing that from their position of privilege, are essential to the cause of workers. All they do, in fact, is to consolidate his power with the help of the poor children who listen to them. They are called anarchists.

    Corporatist's immersed in their own sectoral interests that manipulate those assemblies and collective interests. They are called anarchists.

    I have always supported the 15-M Movement, as I have reflected on these pages in the past. And I still do. But as goes the protest, only in time, not in results, I've seen them get closer to people of all types trying to mount their cause, colorful little characters, fishermen in troubled waters that use many words that are great, including anarchism and revolution.

    Out of necessity, an anarchist has to look sympathetically at the 15-M Movement for its character and self-assembly, and of course can participate in it as he sees fit. But an anarchist never thinks that this condition is due to their participation in the movement, nor can they either, try to take from another fellow anarchist affiliation for being critical of him. At no time has the 15-M Movement posed any alternative to the powers of capital and the state and therefore it can not be regarded as anarchist, as some very poorly politically trained, but presume themselves otherwise, claim.

    Applying to this revolt the term revolution is not successful. Their list of requests is quite reformist. They do not seek to abolish the bourgeois system of representation, but simply an electoral reform; not meant for the elimination of capitalism, but only greater control over markets. This just names two of their demands, but all the others follow a line of reforms that constitute only a social advancement, they have nothing to do with a revolutionary transformation.

    In much the same way as the May 68 and the hippy movement ended up turning rebellious music and faded and torn jeans into consumer products, it would not surprise us that this movement ends up with the English Court in their windows showing anarchist anagram pendants, badges with the Spanish revolution motto and tents branded 15-M.

    http://www.portaloaca.com/articulos/opi ... b9587c%2C0

  2. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Agreed in the main message - but why all the blackpainting and the quite a bit odd comparison with da hippies?
    Big mouths, the wild bunches going wilder and the clever businessmen are our daily share of annoyances, it didn't need the Puerta del Sol or Plaça de Catalunya to bring them out, these parasites are everywhere, the damage they do needs to be dealt with: everywhere.
    I don't care for the commercial exploitation of some media-constructed hype like the "facebook generation" and "m15-labels" - people feel the political/economical crisis stronger and stronger and they react - we shouldn't wait for Anarchists falling from the heavens because of this, but try to do our job to spread the word and organize those who are willing - I don't give a shit for what the still unconscious spend their money until they learn their lesson too. :ecouteurs:
  3. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Yeah Gobble this opinion piece only echoes what many of us that were around when hippydom was co-opted by the capitalists remember and can relate too with so much corporate intrusion into the underground. At least it resonates with me, because I have seen firsthand how so many ultra-radicals of the 60's have turned into the status-quo of today. I know that not all of us are going to make it either, I for one am headed in the opposite direction and am just becoming more passionate and more radical as I age. I don't give a fuck about comfort or convenience, If I die penniless or am killed in some far off land, I will die happy and with a clean conscience that I did all I could for the advancement of the whole planet. This little rant above is just a warning/reminder that if we forget the past we will be doomed to repeat it.
  4. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Yep, Strong hearts to the front - and because I couldn't say it better, a piece from the CNT-statement 21.05, around here we still see it as the perfect how-to-do-against all odds:
    http://solfed.org.uk/?q=spain-its-our-m ... e-continue
  5. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Lovely :ecouteurs:
  6. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    ... and unbeatable, you'll see! :ecouteurs: