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Discussion in 'New members introductions' started by Criticized19, May 4, 2011.

  1. Criticized19

    Criticized19 New Member New Member




    May 3, 2011
    Hello everyone, my name's Laura and i'm 16.
    I go to high school while working in a fast food everyday. I play guitar and bass with some friends (i dont have a band or anything... just for fun) and i also go to local punk and hxc shows. I always read great topics on this website, i thought i should make an account so i can talk with you guys and learn more about politics.

  2. Hailey Edge

    Hailey Edge Experienced Member Experienced member




    Apr 7, 2011

    First off I'd like to say, oh how I feel your pain in the fast food industry. I worked at a fast food crappy pizza place for 3 years and it consumed part of my soul. All I can say is do not let them frak you around, if you think they owe you more money than they've paid you or they're breaking labor laws do something about it pleaseee. I went my whole time working there ignoring all the crap they put me through and totally regret it now.

    Moving on, I notice your from France! Your health system rules, I'm moving in with you... Haha.

    Anyways, welcome to the boards, hope that you like it and learn something. < 3
  3. Criticized19

    Criticized19 New Member New Member




    May 3, 2011
    Well, they do own me way more than they give me but since i'm 16 (and i've been working for a year now, i started at 15) it's not really legal... Some friends of mine who used to work with me wanted more and they just got fired one by one, even adults. I wish i could do something but i don't know what. Working there is killing me .. I can't even eat meat or french fries anymore (all the food there is always out of date) :/
    anw, thanks for your post! :)
  4. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Welcome fellow wage slave!
    french fries made my stomach hurt, psychosomatic I guess, no wonder you get in trouble forced to see it in reality.

    Isn't there kinda job board at your school or some web.site listing "student jobs"?
    I live in germany and worked beside attending school/academy - always using the job boards or later the net.
    "student jobs" tend to be payed better than those low-payment-shit, (in germany you don't have to pay for tax or insurance as long as you're attending school, so employers -who pay half of the insurance if youre adult) look for students to do the job, allowing them to spare the tax.)
    I think, even the atmosphere at work is much better than this hire-and-fire-misery.
    Dunno how it is in france, do yourself a favor and look for an alternative before you catch a stomach ulcer or suffer a mental breakdown - it's not worth it
  5. punkmar77

    punkmar77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member




    Nov 13, 2009
     United States
    Welcome to APN Criticized, and I second gobbledi's advice....good thing you're put off the meat though :ecouteurs:
  6. butcher

    butcher Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Sep 8, 2009
    welcome! :beer: