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Sigurd Kämpft - Da Elefant Is Fertig - 1981 (Bavaria - Germany)

Discussion in 'Non-punk anarchist music' started by vAsSiLy77, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    Re-released first album of this Anarcho-band from Munich, Bavaria from 1981 - maybe not quite punk but somehow well on the way towards it and encouraging the first generation of punks to hatch right in germanys conservative "backyard". The Lyrics are upper bavarian dialect, written and sung against hypocrisy and all those dirty tricks that keep the real life far away. The band participated actively in the resistance against the construction of the new airport of Munich which destroyed a whole biotope, maybe they are the only band that ever got blown from the (mobile) stage by a water cannon during a protest.
    Sigurd Kämpft released a second Album 1983, "Pfui, Pfui", somehow influenced by Pere Ubu but broke up soon afterwards.

    Members: Max Hupfer (vocals), Hans Lechner (drums), Peter Feller (guitar) Kurt Feller (guitar), Hansi Bach (bass)


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    1. wenn i drauf gäh [03:24:]
    2. Fr. Müller [03:35:]
    3. rambazamba everywhere [03:10:]
    4. i brauch di schatzi [02:20:]
    5. auf grundeis mei arsch [04:20:]
    6. action movie [02:12:]
    7. da elefant is fertig [01:00:]
    8. gwaro nixdo [05:12:]
    9. sakrament [02:50:]
    10. ihr habts eich deischt [04:19:]
    11. made in germany [02:00:]
    12. s'zwoafuchzger büffet [02:00:]
    13. sierra "sche-war's-ja" [06:12:]
    14. Wira maschin [04:05:]
    15. B-Hunga-50 [04:42:


    Da Elefant Is Fertig
    Release Date : 1981

    Issued with a 12-paged booklet with lyrics. Some titles with alternative spellings on cover or in booklet: A1: Wenn I Drauf-Gäh (booklet) A2: Fr.Müller A3: Rambazamba Everywhere! (booklet) A4: I Brauch Die Schatzi B3: Ihr Habts Eich Deischt B6: Sierra "sche-war's-ja" B6: Sierra "Sche-wars-ja" (booklet)

    Sigurd Kämpft Biography

    Band from Erding (Bavaria), active in the 1980s.
    Disclaimer: this biography was gathered automatically through an external music database and could be inaccurate. We don't control the information found here.

    Label - Trikont-Unsere Stimme

    German label founded in 1967. Label Code: LC 4270 / LC 04270. Sister label: l2273203 (LC 5947 / LC 05947).

    Early logo presented an image with only bUnsere Stimme/b, "Trikont" appearing as separate text, or on rare occasions not at all.

    Many incorrectly filed entries can also be found under l16921.
  2. AgentOrange

    AgentOrange Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Sep 28, 2010
    is there the possibility to get some lyrics?

    would be nice, because i'm not quite sure if i understand everything due to... the... dialect... :/ ;)

    I would be interested in lyrics, though, because in general, Sigurd kämpft sounds very nice :thumbsup:
  3. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    After they were co-responsible in my faaar away youth for my mutation into what I am today, I have to spread the message and post the lyrics, no problem - but it's "upper bavarian" like Lil wrote - so should I try to "translate" - or do you feel ready to take the full :ecouteurs: pure brilliance like this (it's my favorite song):

    Ihr habts eich deischt
    ihr habts eich deischt,
    wennd's moant's ihr kennts mi hetzn,
    i lass mia nix einfach vor d'nosn setzn
    Ihr habts eich deischt,
    wennd's moanst't ihr kennt's mi zwinga
    habt's des scho gneisst
    i lass mia nix einfach aufdränga!
    der mensch konn bloss sei
    wenn er selbst entscheidn ko
    ois andere is a hurerei
    und für so was bin i ned zum habn
    i scheiss auf gaid und karrier
    für des is mir der preis zu hoch
    und wennd's ihr sagt's,
    i muass was leistn,
    sag i eich bloss
    leckt's mi am arsch!
  4. AgentOrange

    AgentOrange Experienced Member Experienced member Forum Member




    Sep 28, 2010
    I'm able to read, but not able to hear everything of it out...

    bavaria's too far away to be trained in the dialect, listening specifically... reading would be okay, though, so thanks for everything :D

    also, would be absolutely no challenge if it would be the translated version, so...
  5. vAsSiLy77

    vAsSiLy77 Experienced Member Uploader Experienced member Forum Member




    Jun 21, 2010
    with regard from the typing brigade - beware, it's still hot


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    da complete words bavarian/german! :ecouteurs: